Drivers Ed Edmonton

Driving School Edmonton


Driver Training Blog

Is Defensive Driving The Same As Drivers Ed?

Is Defensive Driving The Same As Drivers Ed?

Many people assume that defensive driving and drivers Ed is the same, but the reality is that they are not, so they must be viewed as two completely separate courses. Drivers Ed courses will teach people how to drive, and focus will be placed on the basics of learning...

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5 Basic Driving Tips for Beginners

5 Basic Driving Tips for Beginners

If you are a beginner at driving and you have just signed up for a driving school in Edmonton to learn how to drive properly, here are some great tips that can help you prepare for a smooth course. Everyone has firsts for everything; driving is no exception. For many...

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5 Reasons to Take a Defensive Driving Course

5 Reasons to Take a Defensive Driving Course

Like a majority of the drivers on the road, you are probably a careful, responsible and courteous driver. So you might be wondering what the benefits are of taking a defensive driving course. Well, there are actually some very good reasons to take a defensive driving...

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Five Benefits Of Behind-the-wheel Driver Training

Five Benefits Of Behind-the-wheel Driver Training

Learning defensive driving will prepare you for many years to come, it is a great way to make sure you are ready to be on the roads. Driving schools are in place so that new drivers like you can feel safe on the road with other drivers around you. You can’t expect to...

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How to Choose the Right Driver Education?

How to Choose the Right Driver Education?

If you have just got your learner permit you are most likely to want to get on the roads right away. You have to remember that you need to learn all the rules of the road and what all the signs mean. It is important that you know how the roads work and what you should...

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All You Need To Know About Car Tires

All You Need To Know About Car Tires

Do you know everything there is to know about your new car? If you are a first-time driver, you want to know about the controls and different parts of the vehicle you are purchasing/driving. It’s important to be aware of your settings and to have a distinct...

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Car Checklist Before Going On A Road Trip

Car Checklist Before Going On A Road Trip

Road trips are like a marathon for your car. Taking good care of your car is necessary year-round, but it is crucial before a long journey. A breakdown of your daily commute is one thing, but when on a road trip, it could mean getting stranded in the middle of...

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