If your driver’s licence has been suspended due to impaired driving or multiple roadside suspensions, you are required to take a remedial driving course in order for your license to be reinstated. This is a condition that must be followed so that you can start driving again and get back on the road. This course is a mandatory requirement, and without it, your driver’s licence will not be reinstated.
This course is important because it will help individuals prepare for the road again and will give them the confidence they need to drive safely. The program has several different components and each requirement must be met in order to pass the course. In order to be successful, you cannot use or consume any alcohol when participating in the program or show signs of alcohol odour in any way. You must be responsible and attend every session and be punctual for each scheduled appointment. If you are unable to attend a session, you must give advance notice to the instructor and have an acceptable reason such as a serious illness or death in your immediate family. This course must be taken seriously and absences will not be accepted, unless there is a very good reason.
Additionally, you must participate in all of the program activities to show that you are learning from your mistakes. You need to make it clear that you are able to separate drinking and drug use from driving, which is a deadly combination that affects yourself and other drivers on the road. Failing to do any of these things will result in failure of the program and you will have to redo the entire course again. If you’re serious about making changes and want to start driving again, you need to take every component of the program seriously and show that you are learning and that you care.
You will receive education regarding alcohol and drugs and how it affects a person’s driving through workshops, presentations, discussions as well as group work. You will learn about making healthy choices and receive knowledge and help to avoid relapses and prevent you from making the same mistakes again.
If you pay attention and really understand the severity of drinking and driving or driving while on drugs, you will be successful and eventually can start driving again. If you really want to feel good about driving again, taking additional driving classes is a great idea. Central Driving School in Edmonton offers lessons and driver training to help you regain your confidence. It’s important to learn from your mistakes and the defensive driving courses that this school offers will help you get.